The average values of the annual rainfall in areas irrigated by Irrigation Canal of Montcada ranges between 416.1 mm at Rafelbunyol and 468.5 mm at Meliana, but with an accentuated seasonality of rainfall: strong and large concentrations during the autumn.

For the city of València there is a fairly high probability that during the month of October the contribution is between 0 and 110 mm of total annual precipitation, or, in another way, there is a low percentage possibility that it will oscillate between 120 and 360 mm.
Also, the inequality between one year and another is very remarkable, as we can see in a limited number of situations, such as the case of Massalfassar with 730 mm in 1971 and 138 mm in 1978, or of Puçol with 766 mm and 132 mm, respectively.
Generally, the distribution of rainfall throughout the year is marked by a significant seasonality, with a fall season where rains acquire a torrential character. As, for example, in the year 1956 in Massalfassar in a single day of November it 218 mm (37.2%) accumulated, and, a decade later, in October 1965, also in the same population, we analysed 410,5 mm, which entailed the 65.5% of the total annual rainfall.
The summer droughts and autumn excesses explain the structure of the network of irrigation canals in the agricultural garden: it brings the water make up for the deficits of a large part of the year and, on the other hand, drains the excessive concentrations of the seasonal rains.


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(Al-Andalus) [711-1238]

(Kingdom of València) [1239-1453]

MODERN PERIOD [1454-1789]


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