There are three main objectives that we want to achieve on this website.

• The first objective is to disseminate, promote and pass knowledge to the public about the existence of this canal, its irrigation community, and everything related to the various cultural landscapes that have held and hold this territory through a complex and interdisciplinary perspective. That is, we will get to know the cultural landscapes of the irrigation canal from many different perspectives, without ever losing sight of the general or regional framework that this county and this great peninsular region hosts.

• The second goal is to allow citizen participation in the different areas of the website or blog, helping to democratize the restoration of heritage, of historical memory, and the processes of cooperation and collaboration among neighbors, friends, and visitors of this area, also creating new tools that improve social cohesion and deepening ecological and sustainable intervention mechanisms for our surroundings.

• The third objective is that all this information, knowledge and content related to the irrigation canal and its territory will help us to improve the conservation and environmental heritage of the agricultural gardens of Valencia, providing an interesting bank of information and experiences to the public and the international community.

Fundació Assut

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©2013 Paisatges Culturals a la Reial Séquia de Montcada
© 2013 Fundació Assut