The contributions made by the various sedimentary ravines of Northern agricultural gardens have formed a series of fan-shaped deposits and piedmont plains between the rivers Túria and Palància.
The alluvial fan of the Palància, which coincides with the northern boundary of the Royal Irrigation Canal of Montcada, is an excellent example of these morphologies. It presents a conical topography with an apex at Sagunt and a radius of about 6 km, and consists of upper Pleistocene materials.
With less clarity we observe a sequence of two alluvial deposits at Carraixet. The first, also Pleistocene, is delimited by the irrigation canal between Vinalesa and Museros and another more recent (Holocene), longer alluvial ridge that stretches to “Tavernes Blanques” (White Taverns).
Between Carraixet and Palància, a sequence of minor parallel ravines gives rise to a sort of piedmont plain, also Pleistocene, formed by the coalescence of materials contributed by different streambeds.
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