The surrounding canyons are a series of ephemeral and seasonal water systems that are scattered around the Mediterranean corridor. Within our extensive coastline is marked by the mainland environment aridity or semi-aridity, we find these also under the names of streams, dry streambeds or gullies. In short, another way of calling the same drainage networks, that, since the Quaternary and postglacial, have shaped these coastal depressions by means of abundant runoff, great swelling floods, and a high volume of sediments. Although it cannot be forgotten that human societies have been, from the beginning, an agent of transformation of the first magnitude in the current configuration of these paleocanals.

The flood plan of the Agricultural Garden — structurally dependent on the Burjassot-Xilxes fault — has been periodically subjected to the episodic flooding of these paleocanals, which, in moments of maximum precipitation have always acted as emissaries of the two main outlets to the north of the county, the River Túria and the Carraixet.
However, historically, the regularity of these flood waters has acted in our lands in two ways: causing the farmers profit or misfortune, depending on the intensity and volume of water transported. So, while in many cases the episodic loads of sediments and silts carried by these outlets were a source of priceless benefits for farmland; at other times, the violence of the water, in addition to breaking the irrigation ditches, and leaving the roads impassable, flooded fields and washed out their surface soils, causing severe damage to the agriculture.
The Royal Irrigation Canal of Montcada protects, along its route, several canyons that descend from the Western hills. Some are quite large entities, such as the Carraixet, a gully which drains the southern slopes of the Sierra Calderona. Other, more modest, originate in the Miocene hills and Quaternary deposits and often blend in with the alluvial plain. The ways in which contact with the irrigation canal has been resolved and these natural drains have also have been varied and adapted according to orographic resistance. In some cases it has been necessary to skirt them, while others have crossed under the bed, and in others it has simply converted the old paleocanal into a secondary branch and joined the irrigation network.
It must be said, too, that these canyons, with beds that extend into depressed areas and elongated zones, - with a greater accumulation of humidity - have been a central element in the articulation of the cultural landscape of the region. Therefore, in addition to its intrinsic relationship with the traditional irrigation networks or the plotting and demarcating of fields, the earliest human communities were already involved in using them as important natural drainage and roads for communication, and they were used both for the transit of goods and people, and as important avenues for driving herds.

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P. CARMONA, La formació de la plana al·luvial de València. Geomorfologia, hidrologia i georaqueologia de l'espai litoral del Túria, Edicions Alfons el Magnànim. IVEI, 1990.


(Al-Andalus) [711-1238]

(Kingdom of València) [1239-1453]

MODERN PERIOD [1454-1789]


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