Despite the continuous action of man, within the irrigable area of the Royal Irrigation Canal of Montcada, it is still possible to recognize various palustrine areas, ancient wetlands that are associated with the drainage systems of the community and are the reservoirs of important biotic value.

The marshes have constituted one of the most representative geomorphological elements of the Valencian coastal façade. Closed by edges, sand, and gravel of the coastal sandbars, these spaces have been built up over time with sedimentary materials from ravines and waterways. The surface area of palustrine areas of the Northern agricultural gardens, between the Palància River and the alluvial fans of the Túria, have also been oscillating, depending on the human activities of the various societies that have occupied this land bordering the sea. It can be said that from medieval times little by little, there has been an intensification of the reduction of the marsh and practically the disappearance of most of the small lagoons that lined the shoreline north of the city of Valencia. A situation in favor of agricultural expansion, which gradually diminished the importance of other economies — such as hunting, fishing and livestock — which for thousands of years had occupied a substantial portion of the life of many families in the area, who besides had also exploited these amphibious spaces from an "communal” viewpoint.


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(Al-Andalus) [711-1238]

(Kingdom of València) [1239-1453]

MODERN PERIOD [1454-1789]


Fundació Assut

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