Many of the processes of the anthropisation of soil have been directed to enhance its agricultural capacity, and especially that of those areas of intensely busy agricultural use. In the coastal plain of València, and hence in the territory watered by the Royal Irrigation Canal of Montcada, young alluvial soils are clearly identified as have been subjected to the processes associated with irrigation and other interventions. In other soils, especially those located outside of the traditional irrigation systems, the alteration of the soil has had more to do with progressive degradation and overexploitation of natural resources (forest fires, grazing, timber extraction, etc.).
R. ALMENAR (coord.), El Medio Ambiente en la Comunidad Valenciana, Agència del Medi Ambient. Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia, 1987.
VV.AA, El Suelo como Recurso Natural en la Comunidad Valenciana, Colección Territori 8. Consellería d'Obres Públiques, Urbanisme i Transports. Generalitat Valenciana. València, 1998.
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